(Today's giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Jessica B, the winner! Check back each day this week for more chances to win!)
Perhaps you've been keeping up with my recent "soul care" series... all based on a wonderful book I'm reading by Steven W. Smith called Embracing Soul Care: Making Space For What Matters Most. I hope it's been an encouragement for you.
Mr. Smith wrote me and offered up FIVE copies of this amazing book for me to give away through Making Home... I'm so jazzed! Thank you so much to Stephen Smith for this great giveaway!
So many of you have written me, commented, and/or facebooked me, saying what an encouragement these ideas have been to you, and so I can't wait to let FIVE of you get your hands on his amazing book!
Every day this week you will have an opportunity to win this book. Each day, I'll ask you to answer one question in the comments & leave your name & e-mail information (so that I can get in contact with you if you win)!
TODAY, the question is:
Which phrase would you say BEST DESCRIBES the current state of your physical body/physical health?
- Used up & spent
- Weary but still moving
- Mediocre.
- Doing pretty good, feeling pretty good
- Fantastic!
*** Contest Details: THIS CONTEST HAS ALREADY ENDED. ***
Don't forget to LEAVE A COMMENT w/ your answer, name, and e-mail address!!!
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