We are getting closer to our closing date on our new home. So, I am doing some more researching and dreaming about what I would like to do to the small backyard.
We are thinking about having a fireplace off the back patio. If you have been following for a while now, you will recognize the fireplace/courtyard in the picture below. It is from one of our homes about 5 years ago.
See the fireplace behind the table and chairs? I can't find a better picture of it.
At our last house, we had a fire pit. Here is a picture of it.

At our last house, we had a fire pit. Here is a picture of it.

Anyway, for this house I think we will have a fireplace very similar to the one in the first picture, above, because the cost is something we feel comfortable with. But if the sky was the limit, look at a couple of these beauties! They are all from Houzz.com
Mediterranean Landscape design by Orange County Landscape Architect AMS Landscape Design Studios, Inc.
Do you have an outdoor fireplace or fire pit?
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