How Time Flies!!!

Well it seem like ages since I have had time to update what has been happening here in our lives.
In fact I still have our moving in  post nearly ready to post.

However we have been extremely busy settling in and finding where we fit in this big opportunity that has been  given to us here in our new home.

We have been introduced to more people than we could ever have imagined and are starting to develop some of those into more personal relationships. There are so many children for our children to meet and  interact with as well as for us too.

We have found our place in the many church opportunities and have finally settled at the Vianney College which is the Seminary for the Diocese of Wagga Wagga. We have really really  loved attending Mass here every Sunday. The are so very friendly and the Mass is beautiful with all the 'bells and whistles' we love.
making individual snack bags for the pilgrimage - 3 each for each day
To top all this off we had an amazing visit with our dear friends who were able to take our older children with them to the Christus Rex Pilgrimage and I had the most lovely visit with Erin and the younger children.
I have been reading books in preview for our daughter and  some mama books for me to be better as a mama and some  books for the benefit of our children.
Of course swimming in the pool has been a huge priority for our children too and so I have spent lots of time outside with them watching them progress in this area.
One of the things the little ones  have enjoyed is the orange tree on the property  and picking and then making orange juice to share has been popular for our children to do.
We have had our Kynan visit us and we celebrated his birthday belatedly as well as Braedon's  21st birthday yesterday,  even if we will be having his big birthday party later.
I have introduced student teachers to our home lessons and this is working very well for us. This is an extension of our  'big kid, little kid time'  we have had for many a year and is now undergoing this new transition.
I have been busy making kefir both water and milk form the grains Erin was bale to bring me. Making vanilla and sprouting sprouts for our salads.One of the most popular  things I have made lately is the flavoured coffee creamer, this lasted only a day as it was so popular, especially with Saxon.

 I have also  made rose water for the first time. This is a long time  goal of mine and I have been researching many home made health and facial products for our children.
I  have been gradually finding the  ingredients I need  to make sunscreen and soap, although  I will admit that making soap still scares me a little, even though this has been a goal for many years.

We are enjoying the little trips to the play ground very near to us that only takes us a few minutes to walk to each time and have been enjoying having Anna-Lisa with us for a small time. Arwen especially has enjoyed her company as they have been doing school together, both for Arwen and Anna-Lisa's studies too.
Rogan continues to make movies with his siblings and anyone who visits are also drafted into becoming actors in his latest play.
And we have been walking around the neighbourhood a little too, enjoying all the interesting views
So even as I try to record our daily lives I can see that we have been busy adjusting to new routines in this new life we have and it is a wonderful and yet more intense lifestyle than we have been used to.

We love it and are enjoying every single day we can in the everyday and ordinary circumstances that surround our living and learning in our family circle!!

Blessings to you and your homes,


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