
There was much excitement .... as little one's stick insect has started laying eggs. He has promised them all to school friends..... so he was busy sorting them into snaplock bags and printing out 'Stick Insect Eggs Care Sheets' for all and sundry.

I got a new frock so I wore it for my visit to see Bill and to my appointment after. Little did I know that 3 unexpected pallets would arrive at my shed and I would be unpacking them in frock, heels and 50 degree heat. 

Bill dressed up too.... as he expects me on Fridays.

Look at the goodies Bec sent me to give to Bill.

Bec, he was so grateful. Bill said that he asked the universe for more art materials, as he had run out.... and then I turned up 5 minutes later! Thank you universe. Bill always needs art materials my dear readers. If he doesn't have materials, he has nothing to give him hope. If you have any spare arty things lying around, please consider Bill. Thank you.

We sat and drank icy cold iced tea. I chatted to Bill about possibly doing an exhibition of his work. He just couldn't get his head around it and I suggested that maybe the possibility scares him a bit. Success can be scary. He agreed with me and suggested that I might like to take a few of his artworks each week and sell them on my blog for him. I think this idea is great. Great for direction, goals and self esteem. I'll hit him up for some next week.

Swung by Justine's for a bite before the shed.

It was hard work in heels. 
I could have taken them off, but the floors are so filthy.
I draw the line.

Full to the brim. Creative Stacking 101.

Over the weekend I will be loading up, in my little online store, more stock, that is arriving next week, HERE. You can still email me if you don't want to buy through the shop. Flexibility is key.

BTW, I have been having serious gratitude moments about this business of mine this week. Grateful to be working for myself (I love making all the rules), grateful that I don't have to fill out time sheets, weekly reports, stats, call rates (Friday night used to be weekly reports and next week call plans.... now it's just fish and chips), grateful for my wonderful suppliers, grateful for my lovely customers.. who don't just email their orders... but ask about my boys and chat about houses and pretties and everything. Life is short, you've gotta love what you do. I do. #grateful

Big son is having his 14th birthday 'do' this weekend. A few mates are staying over after the school dance tonight. Tomorrow, it's pancakes, Nerf wars, soccer, swimming, and X-Box challenges on the big screen. Little one will be in tow. He's not missing out. 

Happy Saturday!


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