Winnings - Family treasures – projects

My New Kitties…
Nothing more fun than to be driving up the road and see a large package sitting by your door from the mailman….and today was one of those days…that’s right – I won again and this time from Carol from Firecracker Kid Primitives how lucky am I ?

Remember those adorable fabric stuffed Kitties she had up for a Give A-Way…well they found their way to my home. Now I have 4 kitties…yikes – well at least they don’t eat much – they’re quite stuffed already!  Not sure where they will end up but they are in my bedroom for now.

Now tell me…aren’t these just too sweet…and oh my goodness they are much larger and heavier than they looked on her blog. And each one has its own special decoration around its neck. I think they’re happy here…look at those sweet smiles.
Thank you so much Carol - you were very sweet to do this for us.

Cats closeup

Cats on dresser 1

Family Treasures…
How blessed we have been to have received special treasures from my last living aunt…Friday while were visiting her she gifted me with a Bowl and Pitcher that was in my uncles family for generations. It was his grandmothers and dates back to 1892.
It is English pottery made by J.H.W & Sons Hanley, England.
The stamp on the bottom says it’s the Daisy pattern
Bowl Pitcher 3

I put this candlestick next to it so you can see the size
Bowl Pitcher 1

These normally were set on a wash stand and used in the bedroom in the 19th century to wash up….similar to this

Lots of work ahead for me…
For the last few weeks I have been purchasing fabric so I can cover my Mache stacking boxes for the show I’m doing this summer…I love the combinations I have come up with and now I’m anxious to get working on them.
Blue Fabric 1

Blue Fabric 2

 Green Fabric 1

Rust Fabric 1

 Blue Fabric 3 

Brown Fabric 1
I know I posted these boxes before…but as you can see they never got done then…please send me wishes that I get them done this time!
Shaker Boxes_thumb[1]

Birthday Time…
Our granddaughter Emily turns 14 on Tuesday and today we all went to breakfast for her birthday…didn’t get pictures of the group but did get one of her with her gift from us.  She wanted anything to do with the new The Hunger Games…we got her a couple books and then added a gift card for Kohls (she had a specific list this year – we couldn’t miss getting her something she loved).
Don’t know what The Hunger Games is…here’s the link it looks awesome and the movie comes out next week March 23rd.

Ems gift
Em gifts 2

Aidan was intrigued with Joe’s IPod Touch.
Joe is showing him how it works – it took him just a few seconds to learn how to use it.

Aidan 2

Aidan 1

Jesse, Darren and MaryAnn
Darren MaryAnn Jesse 

Hope you are all enjoying the thoughts of Spring soon arriving…I know I am.
Thanks for joining me



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