Just Between You And Me....

.... I got in... by the skin of my teeth. Back desk second violins.... so 'back', that my music is photocopied ...and even with my glasses on, it is a stretch.

And I am not saying their name as I don't want this post to appear in any Google search for them ......as I don't want them to know how deliriously excited I am to just be there .... in the music...... the glorious music..... surrounded by really good musicians. This will give me a reason to practise. I'll have to ditch the bright red nail polish though.

The last time I was sitting amongst them was 20 years ago. Yep. The conductor recognised me. He said, "were you here last year"? I said, "no 1992". It was like coming home. It all came back... in a scratchy, 'I need a few weeks practice' way. I was sight reading so I wasn't too bad. Actually, when I hopped in my car at 10.30pm, I gave myself a hug and a big loud, "well done A-M". I did something that really scared me and I got through it. Next week won't be nearly as scary!

Hooray to 45 year old me. I tell you... anything is possible in this life.

Happy Tuesday!


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