
I made some brownies. The problem with this is that I eat them.
Even for breakfast.

I bought some flowers. I don't have a garden so I try to have fresh flowers in my kitchen... to make us all happy. I get my money's worth as I am always saying, "look at the flowers boys, aren't they beautiful"?
They feign enthusiasm. They feign a lot of stuff really.

I rode my bike into town for an appointment. It's not glamorous. It's hot and my hair sort of like mats to my head under my helmet. I only do non-glamorous appointments via bike. 

I am keeping my bike next to the Grand Piano. For fast getaways. I am sure I am going to get a note under my door soon. They've seen me wheeling it up the corridor. I think they are steering clear of me though, as they know that I know that they don't like my boys.

Nigella and Brian say hello. Here they are being lovingly hand fed, hand showered and tickled under the chin by carer. We have recently discovered that Brian has severe anger management problems and his rabid head bobbing is not a mating thing but just pure anger. That's him on the left, in the middle of a 'head bob'. Be happy Brian, you're living 'the life of Brian'... and want for nothing. Nothing I say.

That's about all from here this morning. I am watching a personal training group on the riverbank. It all looks so painful and hard. Like punishment? Is there something in that? Coming from someone who used to do it? Hmmm...

I'm off for my run. 

Happy Wednesday!



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