Start your day with breakfast.

Today we are back with day 8 to my Better Health Series.

better health



2011 07 18_6755


Good morning!!!

Today I wanted to share the importance of eating breakfast with you.

So many people are confused about whether you should eat breakfast or not.

Trust me, you need to “break the fast”. 

Eating breakfast will give you more energy if you eat a healthy meal.   We can all use more energy, right?

Can eating breakfast help you lose weight?


“Breaking the fast” can actually get your metabolism going and that’s a good thing.  Plus, you can help to curb your hunger and prevent binge eating later in the day.  According to the U.S. National Weight Control Registry, 4 out of 5 people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off eat breakfast every day.

Also, the Harvard Medical School found that obesity and rates of insulin resistance were up to 50 percent lower with the people that ate breakfast daily. They also found breakfast eaters were also less likely to develop heart disease.

Another reason to eat breakfast is to make sure you are getting all your daily nutrients.  You might skip out on essential vitamins that your body needs.

What if you are not hungry?

Don’t eat before you go to bed or eat a lighter dinner.  (Dinner should be your lightest meal anyway.)  Also, try eating before you drink your morning coffee.

What if you don’t have the time?

You can wake up a little earlier.  Prepare your meal ahead of time.  Stock up on healthy food.  Make boiled eggs.  Make a quick protein shake. Find a healthy on-the-go meal bar.

Why should kids eat breakfast?

Breakfast is especially important for children and adolescents. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to:

Meet daily nutrient requirements

Concentrate better

Have better problem-solving skills

Have better hand-eye coordination

Be more alert

Be more creative

Miss fewer days of school

Be more physically active

What is a good breakfast?

I good breakfast includes a low fat protein, carbs from fruit or whole grains and a little healthy fat.

Some examples would be…

whole grain bagel with cream cheese and strawberries

eggs, toasts and blueberries

oatmeal, yogurt and nuts

protein shake and strawberries

whole wheat pancakes, cottage cheese and raspberries


I found this on

According to Cereal FACTS (Food Advertising to Children and Teens Score), which was developed based on the best available science, in consultation with a steering committee of experts in nutrition, marketing, and public health, the 10 worst breakfast cereals based on nutrition score are:

  1. Kellogg - Corn Pops (or Pops) - Chocolate Peanut Butter
  2. Quaker - Cap'n Crunch - w/ Crunchberries
  3. Kellogg - Special K - Chocolatey Delight
  4. Kellogg - Special K - Blueberry
  5. General Mills - Reese's Puffs
  6. General Mills - Fiber One - Caramel Delight
  7. Kellogg - Cocoa Krispies - Choconilla
  8. General Mills - Golden Grahams
  9. General Mills - Cinnamon Toast Crunch
  10. Kellogg - Corn Pops


Do you eat daily breakfast?

Do your kids?

What is your favorite breakfast?

What did you eat this morning?

What did you feed your kids this morning?

I would love to hear about it!!!

Have a great day! :)



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