Neat And Tidy... And Some Waffle Too

I had heaps to do yesterday but as usual I got side tracked reading interesting things... like Minimalist Mom's Blog - A Rich Life With Less Stuff. 

I have got the decluttering thing mastered I reckon, it's just keeping what's left, tidy. I don't know about you, but that tupperware drawer of mine... grrrrr. I get the boys to do a big tidy of it once a week... and then it all falls apart from there. I swear they stand back and aim the stuff from the dishwasher to the drawer, like shooting hoops. Half the time it doesn't even close. So it's not all about the amount of stuff, it's keeping it tidy. 

Neat and perfect kitchen shelves just kill me....

... especially Trina's... over at 'A Country Farmhouse'.

Killing me.

Open shelves.....I love them.... especially in kitchens. Even fancy stuff looks good when it's tidy.

Seriously lovely. 
And neat.

Oh and look!... I was neat once.... except for all the messy groceries in the bottom drawers.

I think I have inspired myself to do a bit of a tidy up today. Busy day today, starting with the early morning Guitar Ensemble run. It's always a toss up between Guitar Ensemble and Maths Extension Class. I know, he's a nerd. I have to fight him to get him out of the Maths and into the Ensemble. Guitar Ensemble is playing at Speech Night tomorrow night so he has to 'ensemble it' this morning. 

Little tacker and I hang out in Macca's early on Tuesday mornings... until his part of the school opens. I know, ex Dietitian... yeah, yeah. I have the coffee and little one does his homework grid.

Oh and in other breaking news. Nigella (pet bearded dragon lizard.. for new readers...partner of Brian, other lizard) had 5 more eggs... but they all shrivelled up and died... and we couldn't blame Origin this time... for cutting off the heat lamp power. Nature is cruel sometimes. 

Speaking of Origin...they coughed up the goods... big time. Waived $800 off my year's electricity bill... as compensation for momentarily destroying my life when they cut my power off the other week. Must have been all those #epicfailorigin tweets I sent out, that all my twitter friends retweeted to all their friends. I'm afraid I sent out another one again last week, as despite being compensated, they are still sending out 'unauthorised use' letters to me saying that I don't live where I live and if I don't contact them, they are going to cut off my power!!!! It's rocket science you know.

Look at me, waffling like there is no tomorrow. Gotta go.

Happy Tuesday!



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