Monday Nook

Image Courtesy Thrifty Decor Chick

Should I bring back the 'Monday Nook'? I get so many emails and comments from readers saying how much they loved my 'Monday Nooks'. I feel a bit guilty. Why did I stop? Did I run out of nooks? Did they used to only be nooks in 'The House'?... I can't remember. Maybe I stopped when I sold 'The House'. We need to resurrect the 'Monday Nook'... yes? Starting today. Good. I am going to stalk other people's nooks.

How's this one for a start? This gorgeous little one.... in a cupboard... was created by Sarah, over at 'Thrifty Decor Chick', with her bare hands. Yes, not a tradesman in sight. I have loved this forever....well since Sarah created it earlier this year. She's so clever. Moldings set her heart a flutter. I get that.

Look at the wall moldings and the edge of the bench. Yep, it's all in the moldings.

Sarah's 'How To' is HERE.
Grrr....that lights are so cute and cheap in her hemisphere
.... that you can wander into Lowe's and find a cute light for $18US.

Anyway, a sweet nook to start the ball (nook thing) rolling again.

Happy Monday!



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