Christ The King Celebrations 2011

Sunday was a very exciting day for us. Not only was it the celebration of Christ The King but our Kynan arrived back home form University for the year in the morning in time to come to Mass with us.
Earlier in the week we had started to colour in some of the colouring pages that we had from the plans we had, trying to get a head start on the day itself.
On the day we made some gold cardboard crowns and glued on some sequins for a quick crown craft. I know we planned to make some felt ones but I will be making more of these for the last two birthdays of the year this week anyway, so I just wanted to do something different.
The participating crowns before while drying and before assembly.
Of course one of the most anticipated crafts is the decorating of the cake. These are the very happy 'crafters' who did the eating decorating with some lollies on the creamy icing in a bundt (crown shape) cake
Doesn't it look very beautiful and yummy.
Wearers of the golden crowns and some capes and cloaks to portray the royalty aspect of Jesus as King!!
Some of the colouring in pages I could find, um somewhere I lost, misplaced the others in my tidying up of my desk.

So as we enter this last week before the start of Advent I anticipate us preparing for a very busy and exciting time over the next few weeks.
This is one of the most joyous family/Liturgical times of the year and one we celebrate with great enthusiasm.

I hope you also enjoyed your own celebrations in remembrance of our Saviour and King!

Blessings to you and your homes,


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