On The Subject Of Refrigerators

It's funny how your mind jumps all over the place when you're scheming a house.... from the roofline and eaves... to the front path stone and pool orientation. To pool house or not? Wainscoting panels or vj's? Wallpaper in the bedrooms? All the big questions.  Last night, it was kitchens... well fridges... to be exact. I was searching for a picture, of something so unrelated to kitchens, for a client and got distracted by fridges. It's delicious... to have distractions again.... distractions that just aren't important... if you know what I mean.

So my thoughts last night were (specifically) all over glass-doored fridges. Important, because if I could ever have one in my kitchen, I wouldn't be sticking it in the pantry, like last time. It would be a feature.... so I would have to design the kitchen around it.

Oooh, now there's a thought... 'a scissor truss kitchen'! Hmmm.
I digress.

The limitation of course .... is cost.... and the Australian distribution is rather limited.... unless you go commercial. I think there is only one 'half-glassed-doored' domestic option out there with the Sub Zero tag on it. Please correct me if I am totally wrong. That would be nice. Has anyone sourced a commercial glass- doored fridge for their kitchen? Is it really a 'domestic glass-doored fridge wasteland' out here in Australia?

Oooooh, I love them. What do you think? Love 'em or hate 'em? Wine or food? You'd have to keep things a bit tidy!

Happy Thursday! We are savouring the last few 'snippets' of school holidays before we get back into it all next week. My boys are at the stage of wanting to just relax at home now... and do nothing but play with the lizards, zombie out on computer games (before they are banned for the term... mean mother) and run in packs with the neighbourhood kids..... skateboards, bikes, nerf guns... you know the drum. #boys



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