Monday Nooks And Stuff

I delight in finding little nooks in homes. I am so keen to create a few of mine in the next place.... but they would have to be totally practical. As much as I adore the one above, I couldn't ever see myself sitting there. Would that nook be used? It's a beautiful solution for the dead space at the top of the stairs though!

Just quickly, here's another nook that is truly swaying me towards a 'kitchen nook':

Sigh. Gorgeous. 
Ok, so I'm sure that I am going to incorporate a kitchen nook in this house. You can hold me to it.
And look... a black island bench... that too!

We had the most wonderfully busy weekend. Big son went to a school dance at the girls' school. Oh, how little one cried after the drop off, mourning the fact that he and his brother are "growing apart". "I can feel it Mum, I'm an only child now". "Time is going so fast, I can feel my childhood slipping away". No joke, that's what he was waffling on about (since when do kids say that time flies? Time didn't fly by when I was a kid. I spent ages waiting for good things to happen, wiling away the hours doing handstands on the front lawn). 

Added to his torment, over his big brother doing fun things, 'little one' sort of fell apart at the A League Grand Final last night, when Perth were up 1 goal just after half time. "I give up, I am not cheering for Brisbane anymore" (not too different to the the way he plays his matches on the weekends... we're working on it!). He put his hands by his side and stopped the hand waving chants that we were delighting in. I promised him that we would score a goal and at least draw. The lady in front was chuckling to herself at my son's melodramatics. It was a good lesson in never giving up as we won 2:1. 
Boy, I have two entirely different sons. Optimist. Pessimist. How did that happen?

Anyway, I have totally digressed off 'nooks', haven't I? The joys of making it up on the spot at dawn. Spontaneous posts are frowned upon in blogging circles, you know. The rule is, you should compose... and then leave it 24 hours ... as guaranteed you'll want to change something! That's why I never look back! Post and be gone! Don't tell anyone!

Happy Monday. A lovely new week!


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