Patchwork Quilt

When Corbyn was  a baby I started a patchwork quilt for him so that when he was ready for a 'big boy' bed the quilt would be ready for him. Well I started well and then got fairly distracted, by what I don't even remember. Then of course we were expecting our little Arwen and then Trahaearn.
In between I did a little  in a couple of bursts but still had just under half the rows to sew together.

Over the Christmas/ Summer Holidays I finally found the quilt top again  (um, yes actually I had forgotten it as I had tidied up the sewing area). So I managed to finish the top part of the quilt.

As I have not got the backing or wadding I need I have decided to put it on our little guys bed anyway.

He was sooooo very excited to have a quilt like his bigger brothers now and did not seemed concerned about the fact it is still unfinished.
However I really want to get it in a completed state before the weather gets colder. Hmm, we will see how I go with that one!

I was a little ashamed of myself when Myffwyn asked why she and Moran had bought ones instead of home made quilts like all the other kids. Our older three girls have quilts I made as well.

My reasoning has been and still is I was waiting to see if Arwen was a little girl, which she is obviously, so I could buy the fabric together for the three younger girls quilts. The older girls have a  panel the same and differing shades and style for eh contrasting pieces. So I guess I will be looking for some more fabric before too long for my little girls as well.

There is nothing like children to keep you on your toes!

On my horizon I see another round of quilt making that I actually enjoy when I get started, it is the getting started and keeping on, without getting distracted by other projects that is the killer for me.
Oh did I mention I still am working on Trahaearn's hand print cross stitch and his name cross stitch, and I bet he would like a quilt in the near future too.

I don't think I will ever get you?

Blessings to you and your homes,


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