Catch Up

Well, it's been a big week. Sorry I have been out of action for a couple of days. Moving house takes it out of you. I have to have everything unpacked within a minute of the removal truck leaving... so I have been putting in some significant 'unpacking hours' while the boys have been at school. I think I made dinner last night asleep, standing up. #exhausted.

I am managing to make the place feel like home. It's a modern home. Not my cup of tea aesthetically but I reckon I can make any place we live in a home, even that caravan on the school oval I keep threatening my boys with. As you can see, I got my gorgeous Mondo Cherry artwork up on the wall pronto. What is it with people and their picture hooks? Some of the hooks here are so high! What did they hang up there? I've ripped them out, bogged them up and re-established 'correct picture hook positioning'... so all is well with the world now.

Here are my gorgeous lamps, lovingly made by Simone, from Beach Vintage. The artwork is going up in the next study I build.... over a black console.... I have it all my head. 

Look away now, if damaged furniture makes you queasy. Damage courtesy of my removalists.....hence the reason my piano gets moved by a specialist piano removalist .... who for the last 10 years I have not been able to get ANY small talk out of. I digress. 

Yes, so there is always something that gets beaten up by the removalists each move.... I ask, this time, why did it have to be one of my beautiful study chairs?

Ouch! Bit heartbreaking. 
Big's just stuff.
They'll fix it... or replace it.....or else.

My beautiful cream, Italian linen sofa (that I have managed to keep spotless for 3 years, even with two soccer booted boys) was destroyed in an instant under those festering removal truck blankets (that obviously never get washed). Beats me why they don't have plastic for light coloured fabric furniture. They sent someone out to steam clean it yesterday... never the same. Oh and the deodoriser... what? I was out of the room when that happened. Now it smells like the old school toilets of yesteryear. Sigh.

In addition to the damaged furniture, we lost a stairwell light.. and we now have numerous dints in the walls. They were hopeless this time around. The last 6 moves have been relatively uneventful.... so maybe I was due a doozy this time?! If anyone can recommend good removalists for next time, please share!

In more glamorous news, it was also my birthday this week and my boys went all out to spoil me. As well as the most technologically advanced wireless earphones for my morning runs, my favourite perfume and a DVD on 'French Coastlines', they wrote me these beautiful words...

Damn that 'bad pen'. Interesting to note that I have been 'loving, caring and helpful' only over the 'last couple of days'. I haven't come up for air. I think he has noticed that I have been busy.

May it never end.

Got these.

Ate this.

And this.


It was a perfect day.

Now that I have settled my little family into their new nest, I am heading back to West End to shower Bill in gifts, that have arrived for him via my PO Box....from you, my readers! Might catch up on my emails in Justine's coffee shop. Gotta wean myself off West End sloooowwwwly.

Happy Friday!


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