And The Planets Aligned

Look how beautiful it was here in Brisbane on Wednesday. It was a gooood day. Mild temperatures, gentle breeze. Positive outcomes.

I knew there was something in the air as soon as a few of my readers messaged me, saying that they felt I was going to find a place in which to live that very day!

I did! We're leaving West End...... and moving a little further out of the city... to live in a house and to enjoy some green space and lots of bike tracks.... while I look for some land and get the next house started. My boys are very happy with our decision. Little one was quietly whispering to me, as we were inspecting the new place, "please, please". Easy decision. He had me at "please". 

In the meantime, we plan to seriously treasure our last few weeks here. 

I am going to miss watching the sun come up over the river....

... and watching it set.

I am going to miss having my coffee on my deck....

... and feeling safe in my little 'concrete bunker' on rainy, stormy days.

I am going to miss the beautiful view....

... and the warming western sun in my kitchen.

I am going to miss my daily runs through all the little streets...

... and all the little daily surprises.

I am going to miss being able to ride into town for my errands.

I am going to miss Justine's coffee shop.... which became my morning office workspace.

Bye-bye Justine's Haloumi Special

I am going to miss Bill....

... and James.

West End, I have enjoyed you and I will carry my West End experiences (good, bad and seriously tragic) with me in my heart always. I am grateful to have called you home, even for a short time.

On the packing front, I do have this 'packing thing' mastered. It takes me no time to pack up a house these days! I think our poor piano finally will deserve a tune after this move. It will have been moved 7 times without a tune #howslackami. Big son informed me that it is a whole tone out now. It sounds woeful!

Righto, deep breaths. Time to start sorting, decluttering and packing.....aaaaand loving it!

Happy Friday!

P.S I have a teeny, tiny garden in my next place. Just teeny... but green! The boys have acres in which to play. Our place is in a green estate...that has a beautiful pool, lots of land on which to kick our soccer balls and kilometres of bike tracks. Nice change. Variety is the spice of life... and we're livin' it alright.


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