I Bought A Bike... And Other News

Image Via Pinterest

... not this one. Girl is too skinny to be me.... plus I would never ride in a skirt....but this photo is the reason I bought a bike. It inspired me... oh and so did wandering past the Wednesday Farmers Markets in the city the other week, wondering how I could gather up all the gorgeous yummies without having to pay $50 per minute for city parking.

It was $49 from Target..... one of those moments when you think you are paying $129 and then the checkout chick says, "this one is on sale, it's down to $49". Thank.You.Very Much.

Ok, so I still have to put it together. That's why there is no picture of it. It's still in the box. I am going to whip it up this weekend, when the boys are whipping up the Christmas tree... and I am going to ride into town every Wednesday morning to skip through the raspberries and mangoes.

I love how Melissa, from 'Peace and Projects', describes what riding her bike means to her: 

"Maybe it’s the breeze on my skin or the cars rushing by that makes my spirit whisper, “Slow down.” By bike, life is slower. My errands are more enjoyable. While I ride, I feel aware and grateful for my life.
At the same time, I realize being able to ride my bike and slow down is truly a luxury. Not everyone can slow down (yet). In today’s world, slow living really is a luxury, though you might not think of it that way.
Each time I complete an errand by bike, I want to call all my friends and gush about how great I feel. I never do. The fact is, if you are a working mother, running errands by bike probably won’t be convenient. Especially, it seems, if you can’t figure out how your life could ever be slower".
It helps her practice 'mindfulness' - slowing down and really living in, and appreciating, the moment.... and not always thinking about your next blog post! Ha!

Read her beautiful article on mindfulness, HERE.

... and in other news: still haven't located the Christmas tree in the shed. Don't panic. I am taking your advice. You were right. When I announced that we were doing the big tree this year my little one almost cried with excitement. I know, how could have have even considered not doing it? Forgive me. 

Thank you for all your beautiful comments on my boy yesterday. The whole experience was made ever so much more special handing them over to him to read. He smiled and smiled as he read. He's a good boy.

Little tacker is now doing Karate. The nice man upstairs, who has the 4 girls, is a super duper instructor... so tacker has signed up. He needed to do something 'fierce'... like I do with my running and big brother does with...like... studying?... not really a good example. It will be nice for him to do something different to his brother. They both do soccer and piano together. Time to break the 'live in your brother's pocket' strings.

Yay, Friday. Spending mine in the shed. I will find that tree. I will.

Have a happy one!... and thanks for keeping me company this week and for all your supportive comments. My boys have YOU to thank for their Christmas tree!


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