Friday Snippets

I'm sorry, but how good is the iPhone camera?!!

These are the flowers, currently on my kitchen bench.. with a bit of Instagram added for good measure.

The view from my deck... at the time I plonk myself down to write a blog post in the mornings. 

The best time of day..... when the world is waking up.
Here comes the sun!

Have given up caffeine entirely... to see if that changes anything. Boy, I am tired. I didn't realise how much my previous caffeine intake put a spring in my step. A hasty trip into town was needed for the placebo decaf option.

Loving my $49 bike to bits. Run out of milk?... on the bike. Dr's appointment?... on the bike. New battery needed for the Spy Kids motion detector (toy that chews batteries)?....... on the bike. Any excuse. I don't think I could do the suburbs thing again. Everything is so close.... living in the city. It's a different life entirely, to what I am used to, and I am seriously loving it. 'Seize the day' as they say.

'Boy's cooking' this week.... Tacos on the deck.
One candle each. 

Caught up with James.
He's doing 'Movember'.

Helping a client transform this into a 'Cape Cod/Queenslander Coastal Masterpiece'.
You can just see it, can't you!
What a great canvas.
If only I could find something like this in Brissie to do over.
Find me one? Please?

These came in this week. I love them.
I have been climbing over pallets. My shed is full to the brim.
Email me if you want one... before they go quick smart.

Meanwhile, the 'tinseling' continues.....

Happy Friday!
PS. Dear Pinterest, Am I ever going to see my collection of 'Joinery' pins ever again? I know you had a site meltdown last week... but it has been days, and I needed them for a client yesterday. I know you're a free service and I have no right to whinge... but it took me ages to find them all. May I please have them back now? Thanks, Love A-M xx.... oh and I would dearly love my 'Home Elevations' collection back too... but not as urgent. Thx.


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